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All Things Atlatls
Catch Atlatl Fever!
Find Out About the World of Atlatls Waiting For You!
Thunderbird Atlatl has been producing quality atlatls and darts for over 30 years.
Our shop is ready to help you find the right atlatl set for you.
Call us at 1-800-836-4520 (607-659-3854)
or email

Bob Berg works with a group of atlatlists in England

In Alaska, an instructor helps a student learn how to use an atlatl.

Winners of the Women’s Division at one of the annual Vermont atlatl contests.
Thunderbird Atlatl
Capturing Atlatl Memories
Where to Start
Journey into the World of Atlatls
Discover the ancient mastery of atlatls at Thunderbird Atlatl! Whether you’re an adept enthusiast or a curious neophyte, we offer the ideal atlatl set for you. Embark on a journey through history and savor the excitement of atlatl throwing. The expedition beckons – are you prepared to capture Atlatl Fever?

Top left: Some of equipment needed for splicing traditional darts. Bottom left: our more traditional darts with stone points. The atlatl featured is our Hiawatha model. In the photo to the right, Bob Berg leads a workshop on straightening and making cane darts. Bob is demonstrating how to heat treat and straighten the darts.

What Our Customers Say
Love your products! We have had HUNDREDS of youth and adults using your atlatls as part of our programs. By the way, here is a link to a recent TV interview.
Barry Rudesill, Crescent Lake Bible Camp – Wisconsin, Northern
I took my new toy, a Kanakadea, for a maiden test flight today. I’m totally hooked! I even had the neighbors, who had never heard of such an instrument, commenting favorably.
You’ll be hearing more of me soon.
Tom McCort Morristown, OH
I got my atlatl today and it was in great condition, thank you for packing it so well. I used it today at lunch and was shocked at how easy it is to pick up on. Within 30 min, I was hitting a deer taget at 20 yards about 30% of the time.
–Larry Ernst
Atlatl Fun
Contests, Gatherings, Workshops & More
From World Atlatl Day to contests, workshops and classes throughout the US and other countries, it is easy to tap into atlatl activities. Check out the World Atlatl Association’s event page for a list of contests.
You Tube Videos
Thunderbird Atlatl You Tube Videos
Check out our You Tube Channel
We have lots of informational and instructional videos available on our Thunderbird Atlatl Your Tube channel. Check us out through You Tube of through the links below.
Find Atlatl Events Near You!
Thunderbird Atlatl Conversations
Japanese Bamboo or River Cane? How do you tell the difference?
While in Florida, Bob Berg of Thunderbird Atlatl spent some time explaining the differences...
Silver River Knapin Cancelled!
The Silver River Knapin has been cancelled for 2024. We will try to set up an atlatl contest in...
Busy Holiday Season. Shipping Services Setting Holiday Cut Offs. Order your atlatl sets!
The shipping services (UPS/Fed Ex and USPS) are sending out their holiday advisories for receiving...
Visit Us at the Paderbow Messe in Paderborn, Germany November 11 & 12
Come us at Thunderbird Atlatl the Paderbow Messe in Paderborn, Germany this weekend. There are...
Uses for Thunderbird Atlatl’s Hafting Resin New Video
Not quite a 100 ways of what you can do with Thunderbird Atlatl's hafting resin but Bob Berg shows...
Florida ISACs, contests held despite weather & location obstacles!
International Standard Accuracy Contests (ISACs) are always a draw for atlatlists but the Florida...
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