Catch Atlatl Fever

Offering A Variety

of Workshops

Bob Berg has spent over thirty years studying, practicing and teaching primitive skills. He has done workshops across the United States and Europe for groups of all ages. Bob offers custom classes ranging anywhere from an hour to a full weekend, for groups of all sizes and ages.

    Sample Classes

  • Introduction to Atlatls and basic Atlatl skills
  • Make your own atlatl
  • Dart making – Fletching, Dart shaft preparation, etc.
  • Flintknapping – How to make arrowheads
  • Cordage Making – Make rope and string out of natural fibers
  • Fire by Friction – Make a fire without a match
  • Various other primitive skills – call us to ask!

Our workshops are custom-tailored for every group, and can be adjusted based on age and ability.

    Great for:

  • All ages
  • Primitive skills enthusiasts
  • School groups
  • College students
  • Boy and Girls Scouts
  • Church groups
  • Camps
  • Hobbyists and DIYers

Prices vary. Please contact us for a quote.

1-800-836-4520 or

(Please note that Thunderbird Atlatl is based in Candor, NY – travel and lodging expenses apply for events outside of our area. Be sure to check our Events Page to see if you can coordinate your workshop around a time when Bob Berg will be in your neck of the woods.)


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