Not quite a 100 ways of what you can do with Thunderbird Atlatl's hafting resin but Bob Berg shows several uses in this new You Tube video on our Thunderbird Atlatl channel. Thanks to Peter Berg for taking the time to put this video together. Thunderbird Atlatl's...
Happy Thanksgiving! Get ready for the holidays! Thanks22 Coupon!
Happy Thanksgiving! Over the busy holiday weekend through Monday, November 28, take some time and check out some of new items in our online catalog. We will be working on continually updating the catalog over the weekend as we prepare for the holiday season. If you...
Atlatl & Dart Kit Building- great winter time activity
Atlatl and dart building workshops are a great way to spend your winter hours! Thunderbird Atlatl offers several types of atlatl and dart kits in our online catalog. With kits, you are able to save money and finish your own atlatl the way you want. You can put your...
New tutorial videos for our Atlatl Kits
We have recently added new tutorial videos where Bob Berg explains how to put together our most popular atlatl kits: the Catatonk, Catatonk Hunter, Kanakadea and Nanticoke. (All of our kits are available to purchase in the Shop.) Now you can follow along step-by-step...
Premium Bamboo Darts Crafted in the Thunderbird Atlatl Shop
Our individually made premium bamboo darts are state of the art and the best you can get, with our money back, no questions asked guarantee, just like all the rest of Thunderbird Atlatl products. I start with bamboo that I select myself from cultivated stands of...
Atlatl Kit Making Tutorial Videos
Making your own atlatl or spear thrower and darts is a satisfying experience plus it saves you money! We make great atlatl and dart kits here at Thunderbird Atlatl. Our kits have been featured in Make Magazine. Now, thanks to the efforts of our webmaster and...
Harvesting Bamboo for Atlatl Darts in Georgia
Cutting cane on Gardenia Island and Tortuga Island is the high point of the year for me because it is an escape from the torture of Arctic air that we experience this time of the year up here in the snow belt of Upstate New York. It almost seems like spring time when...
Look Forward To Spring! Think Atlatl Fishing!
Okay so it's snowy and cold in a lot of places but we can dream of what awaits us (or if you live in a warmer climate, get ready for an adventure)! We're already getting seed catalogs in the mail so think spring! Fishing with atlatls and harpoons is exciting and fun....
Make Your Own Atlatl and Darts with Thunderbird Kits
Making your own atlatls and darts from one of our kits is a great way to save money and have the satisfaction of finishing your very own atlatl. Thunderbird Atlatl kits have been featured in Make Magazine. We have five different types of atlatl kits: Catatonk Atlatl...
The Development of Thunderbird Atlatl Hunting Darts
I have been making and using hunting darts for use with atlatls for a couple of decades. When a few friends and I started doing this in the early 90s we were aware of the fact that atlatls and darts must have been used for hunting in ancient times but we were unable...
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Sarah Thompson
Business Consultant