Thunderbird Atlatl’s main page has just undergone a major update, but for the next few hours most of the links and images on the site will be broken. Over the next week, this site will be improved substantially, and a lot of new content will be added. Thunderbird Atlatl will be dynamic and easily-updateable by Robert and Cheryll Berg, without going through a third party web designer. Keep on coming back for the latest updates!
Hi nice post, i have come across your site once before when searching for something so i was just wondering something. I love your theme, would it happen to be a free one i can download, or is it a custom one you had made? In a few weeks i will be launching my own site, i’m not great with designs but i really like the style of your site so it would be cool if i could find (or pay for) something with a similar look. 🙂 Thanks!