Atlatl featured on David Letterman Show December 23rd!

by | Dec 16, 2005 | News, Press

Watch David Letterman on CBS this Friday, Dec. 23! Massachusetts Atlatl Champion Gary Nolf will be casting a dart through a wreath during the show’s “Show and Tell” segment!

We have been busy with atlatl orders this Christmas season and have enjoyed talking to many of you on the phone. Please call at 1-800-836-4520 if you have any questions or need additional atlatl information. You can also email us at or

We are looking forward to our visit to The Alamo in February – more on that soon!! Check out the video clip by Arthur Haines using Thunderbird Atlatl equipment. You can link to it by going to atlatl resources on our links page or click the following link: Atlatl Demonstration Video (wmv)

Thanks to Arthur Haines for the video clip!


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