Atlatl Hunting & Fishing

by | Oct 19, 2006 | Hunting & Fishing

Atlatlists from the Northeast have been slowly but surely working their way toward getting the atlatl accepted as a big game hunting weapon.

Russ Guthrie of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania has been leading the way. Russ has the unique ability to bring the right people together at the negotiating table. It is an up hill climb as this small special interest group attempts to negotiate governmental hurdles to get the atlatl accepted. Atlatlists want to join with their fellow hunters in the fields and forests of Pennsylvania as accepted members of the hunting community.

Missouri has recently joined the short list of states where atlatl hunting is allowed. Atlatlists are now allowed to hunt small game in Missouri. We atlatl hunters and fishermen and women hope this effort continues and spreads to other states.

Posted by thunder


  1. fishing gear

    Great work! I also have my own blog I just find it hard to write quality content like this.
    I guess I really don’t have the time.

  2. Mike

    I certainly hope Maine gets on board with this.

    • Cheryll

      That would be great!

  3. Eric

    Missouri has legalized using the atlatl for deer hunting this year (2010). It is only allowed during the short firearms season. Hopefully it can be moved to the longer and warmer bow season.

    • Cheryll

      Agreed! We know several people hope it can be moved to the longer season!


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