We are busy making and shipping orders for the holidays! If you would like to get an atlatl shipped via regular priority mail before Christmas, please get your order into us by Monday, December 18!
After December 18, we will still ship out orders through the delivery services but will recommend overnight shipping through the post office to insure delivery by Christmas. We can get delivery estimates from UPS, Fed Ex and DHL too!
If you have any trouble with our online catalog, give us a call at 1-800-836-4520. If you do order on online and do not receive a confirmation email within six hours, please give us a call to make sure your order was received! We can also be emailed directly at: Thunderbirdatlatl@gmail.com
Telephone or fax orders can be called in or sent to: 1-800-836-4520. If you get the answering machine, just leave a message and we will return your call. You can also try reaching us at either: 607-743-4379 or 607-222-9873.
Some special items we have ready to ship that are not in the current online catalog include: Nanticoke Atlatls with leather loops (no lacing) for $35 each or $66 with three six foot darts or $124 with seven six foot darts! We also offer plain Nanticokes (no handle or lacing) for $20 each or $51 with three six foot darts and $94 with seven six foot darts.
For the younger set, we have child-sized Kanakadeas for $35 each or $60 with six foot darts or $95 with seven six foot darts! If you are interested in any of these, give us a call at 1-800-836-4520 or email us at Thunderbirdatlatl@gmail.com You can also note your preferences in the comment section of our order form.
Can’t decide which atlatl package to get? How about buying a gift certificate? We can send out gift certificates in any amount you request. Contact us with the name of your recipient, address and other pertinent information and we can send it to you or your recipient. Questions? Give us a call!