New England Atlatl Successes!

by | May 2, 2008 | News

The New England atlatl community is going strong this spring! Two events were held in Vermont and Maine the last weekend of April. Another event is set for June 14 in Vermont!
John Morris sent out the following report on the Vermont event. Here is John’s report:
“Greg Maurer put on a terrific atlatl competition at “The North Country Atlatl Open” in Williston, Vermont (April 26). It was a ground breaking event for us in New England… The first tournament here, sponsored by the New York Atlatl Association.. The NYAA president, Doug Bassett, was there and introduced us all to many competitions previously unknown to many.
The weather forecast was for rain showers but it turned out to be a perfect day. We had a small but enthusiastic group of people there, including first time atlatlists.”
“Greg has a second Atlatl open coming on Saturday June 14. It also will include the: ISAC, IASAC, The NYAA** events, a moving target, a Clay Pigeon shoot, plus balloon targets ect for kids of all ages.
The second open will be at the same place. The North Country Sportsman’s [Gun] Club, Williston Vermont.”
John has put together an email list of New England Atlatlists if you are interested in being included, email John at
The Thunderbird Atlatl staff was at the University of Southern Maine for the school’s third annual knap-in. There was a small but steady crowd at the event. There was a lot of interest from those attending. Participants were able to learn flint knapping, fire building, cordage skills, atlatl building, pottery skills and more. The students set up an atlatl range on a soccer field. We look forward to next year’s event.


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