Atlatl Fishing/Preparing for Gift Orders.

by | Oct 20, 2008 | News

atlatl bluefish 1

Bob Berg was able to test out his atlatl harpooning skills on a day-long fishing expedition in Long Island Sound with Gary Nolf and Scotty Van Arsdale a couple of weekends ago. It turned out to be a beautiful, calm day on the ocean and a great opportunity for fishing.

Fall is always a busy month at our shop as people start looking for that unique gift. Atlatls often top that list. If you are thinking about purchasing an atlatl set, give us a call at 1-800-836-4520 or order through our online catalog. When you order from the online catalog, you can check your order by hitting the “check cart” tab on the bottom of the page. Once you have completed your order, you should hear back from us in a few hours that we have received your order. If you do not hear from us, please call and make sure your order has been received.

Atlatls set make great gifts. We’ll be happy to help you make the best selection.

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