We enjoyed our visit to the Danvers Historical Society’s atlatl program this past weekend. Snow and rain dampened Sunday’s program but the weather stayed clear on Saturday. Thanks to the Danvers Historical Society and Glenn Mairo for hosting the event.
There a lot of atlatl events coming up this weekend and in the next few weeks. Check out the World Atlatl Association calendar for details.
Here are some events:
Archaeology Open House
DATE & TIME: Saturday, October 24, 12-5pm
LOCATION: R.S. Peabody Museum of Archaeology, Phillips Academy, 180 Main St.
INFORMATION: lrandall@andover.edu
SPONSOR: R.S. Peabody Museum of Archaeology, www.andover.edu/rspeabody
The Robert S. Peabody Museum will host an archaeology open house complete with trebuchet and atlatl demonstrations (weather permitting). A trebuchet is a large catapult-like device traditionally used to destroy castle walls and an atlatl is an implement used to hurl seven-foot long spears with darts for hunting and warfare. Exhibit galleries featuring highlights from the Museum’s collection of over 500,000 Native American artifacts will also be open.
Atlatl Event, October 25, 10 a.m.
Franklin County Sportsmen’s Club in Deerfield, Mass.
The event is being held in conjunction with the club’s annual fall turkey shoot.
Plans are to teach throwing techniques using different styles of atlatls and darts using hardwood and cane darts and throwers we will provide, and have the materials and hand tools available for those who want to try their hand at crafting a simple spear thrower. There will be some self bows and arrows on hand for those who want to try primitive archery equipment, and materials to make bullroarers, our other featured activity. Primitive bows as well as atlatls are welcome, as well as slinging and other primitive weaponry. The address of the club is:
Franklin County Sportsmen’s Club
721 River Road East Deerfield, Massachusetts
If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Dane Mitchell at: danemitchell@comcast.net
Other atlatl events from the World Atlatl Association site:
Oct. 24:
Dundee Sportsman’s Club
Dundee, Wisconsin Hwy 67.
Starting at noon.. ISAC, & local events.
Contact information: Leonard Riemersma (920) 528-7454 lenmaryr@dotnet.com
Oct. 24
Past Lifeways Celebration (formerly archaeology day)
O’Brien County Conservation Board at the Prairie Heritage Center, Iowa
Come and celebrate past hunting technologies. Register for an atlatl competition with age and team categories, and an ISAC registered competion. See displays and participate in other activities. Stay for a lecture by Alexander Woods, who started the Iowa Atlatl team at the University of Iowa.
Oct. 30-31
Zaleski State Forest, Lake Hope Park Ohio ROAR days
ISAC, IASAC and Ohio Atlatl Association local events.
Contact Steve Barnett barnz@juno.com 740-698-6553 or
Ray Strischek ohioatlatl@hotmail.com 740-593-2365
Oct. 31
Ninth Annual Blackwater Draw Atlatl Throw
Blackwater Draw, New Mexico
The site is located along the road to Cannon Air Force Base (State Highway 467), about 6 miles north of Portales and 1 mile north of the turn to Oasis State Park. Registration and practice will start at 9:00 AM, with the Target Round begins at 10:00. The ISAC round will take place in the afternoon.
There will also be a flint-working demonstration and possibly other primitive skills at the site.
Contact: David.Batten@enmu.edu or (505) 562-2750
Nov. 7
Indoor Shoot at Jim’s Pro Shop – Shortsville, New York
ISAC, IASAC and locals. Range Fee $8. 10 am to 1 pm only.
You will want to bring primitive bow with arrows rigged for standard arrow inserts if you want to shoot any of the video hunts on the big screen. Each hunt can accommodate up to 10 people at a time (separate fee is $8 per person) Great Fun and Challenge!
Exit 43 off Thruway and south on 21 to rte 96, 2 miles west (sign will probably say north) to just past blinking light for cty rd 28. The block bldg (4885 Route 96) is on the left.
Contact: RSVP to Douglas Bassett (585) 493-3625; Douglas.Bassett@oprhp.state.ny.us
Nov. 7-8
Rabbit and Coyote Hunt
La Monte, Missouri
Dusk and dawn coyote calling hunts. Day time rabbit hunts with beagles & ISAC .
Contact: Kevin Brauer @ brauer14us@yahoo.com or
Ron Mertz @ devoemertz@sbcglobal.net ((314) 628-9376).
Nov. 7-8
Nov. 11
Nov. 30
November 7 & 8-Frosty Blanket atlatl throw & ISAC. Cheyenne, Wyoming November 11 & 30 Laramie, Wyoming
Open to all, equipment and instruction cheerfully provided.
Sponsored by the Wyoming Atlatl and Social Club.
Contact: Gary/Regina Dodson wyowinds@aol.com (307-632-0766)
or Russell Richard coyoteclown@aol.com (307-772-0550) for location and time.