Great Opportunities to Set Up Atlatl Programs

by | Feb 23, 2011 | News

groupcatkannat Thunderbird Atlatl is offering a March Madness special to camps, museums, educational organizations, scouts and others looking to set up an atlatl program.
The package includes choices from three of our most popular atlatls, the Kanakadea, the Catatonk and the Nanticoke. Those choosing this introductory package can choose to use all the same atlatls or mix up the set. The package also includes our popular wooden darts made from high quality straight grained Ash. The package lets you choose either to use five foot darts, six foot darts or a combination of both.
The wooden darts hold up very well despite being used by possibly hundreds of youth over several years. We’ve had camps tell us they used the darts continuously for three years and only had to repair points and fletchings but the shafts held up well.
Setting up an atlatl range is easy and teaches youth responsiblity and safety. Atlatl ranges use the same safety protocol used by archery ranges. The atlatl gives youth a chance to enjoy a fun target sport while learning about the atlatl’s place in history and its use today.
Pictured are the three atlatls, the Kanakadea, the Nanticoke and the Catatonk (top to bottom) featured in the package.
If you are interested in learning about the package, give us a call at 1-800-836-4520 or email us at


  1. Russ Guthrie

    Please send me more info about this package.

    • Cheryll

      Did you get the information?


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