Atlatl Battles on the Pennsic Battlefield once again set the stage for a good time for all at this year’s 41st Pennsic War. Now we look forward to upcoming programs at Letchworth State Park in western New York August 25 to 26 and Flint Ridge, Ohio over Labor Day Weekend. Check out our event schedule to see where we will be!
Thunderbird Atlatl’s Bob Berg has been doing some interesting experiments from his programs in Germany and Denmark with hafting, hafting glues and primitive flint tools.
The above photo shows an underwater find that shows an example of the type of tools Bob and others were experimenting with at Lejre, Denmark. Bob has started using these in Thunderbird Atlatl’s atlatl making workshops. According to Bob, this type of tool is used like a one handed draw shave. It is very efficient for carving wood. It carves wood as well as a metal tool. It works because the blade is easy to hold at just the right angle to cut most efficiently, while at the same time a great deal of pressure can be applied.
Come visit us at Letchworth State Park, Mt. Morris entrance, this weekend for the annual Stonetool Technology Show. Looking forward to seeing you. For further information, contact us at 800-836-4520 or 607-743-4379.