Happy New Year everyone! We are looking forward to new atlatl adventures and meeting more of you in 2013! We enjoy the opportunities Thunderbird Atlatl gives us to travel and meet new people.
In the next coming weeks, we will be putting together a new paper catalog and working on starting a monthly email newsletter and updates through an email program. If we have you on our email list, you will receive an invitation to subscribe to the newsletter. If you aren’t interested, just let us know and we can remove you from the list.
We often find people confusing us with William Robert Perkins of Montana who calls himself “Atlatl Bob”. Thunderbird Atlatl’s atlatl maker is Robert Spalding Berg aka Bob Berg and not to be confused with “Atlatl Bob”. It’s an easy mistake to make but feel we have to make the distinction every once in awhile.
Another project we hope to complete this month is a series of videos on You Tube showing how to put our kits together. We are looking forward to having a more active internet presence.