Valentine’s Day Special! Receive a Free Nanticoke Atlatl Kit with Orders of $175 or more!

by | Feb 11, 2013 | News

The blizzard in the Northeast is over and now we’re looking forward to Valentine’s Day! Spring and more atlatl events are also just around the corner- we hope!

We have a Valentine special for the next few days! Order any atlatl items totaling $175 or more, excluding shipping and receive a free Nanticoke Atlatl Kit. Hurry, your order must be in by midnight Pacific Standard Time on February 14, 2013! Happy Valentine’s Day.

As you get ready for the atlatl season, make sure you get your darts in good order. If they need straightening, holding them over a heat source will soften the wood fibers and you will be able to straighten them easier. Once they cool down, they should be straight and ready to go.

We thought the “heart” shape made by two Tioga Atlatls was perfect for Valentine’s Day. The second picture is our Nanticoke Kit.

Tioga Atlatls make a Valentine Heart

Tioga Atlatls make a Valentine Heart

Nanticoke Atlatl Kit

Nanticoke Atlatl Kit


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