Thunderbird Atlatl will be at the Flint Ridge Knap-In in Brownsville, Ohio this weekend, Friday, August 30, Saturday, August 31 and Sunday, September 1.
On Friday morning at 9 am until noon, August 30th 2013, Bob Berg will be presenting an atlatl making workshop. Join Bob in his hands on workshop as he reveals many secretes of carving wood with Stone Age tools. Bob will start the process by knapping blades and hafting them to handles used to carve atlatls from green wood. A workshop area will be set up next to the Thunderbird Atlatl vendor tent. A limited number of blanks will be available to make your atlatl. You may also supply your own which should be a green hardwood branch about the length of your arm and an inch in diameter, plus or minus. A donation of a few dollars will cover the cost of materials used and honorariums are gladly accepted; the amount being up to you depending on what you feel you bring away from the project.
On Saturday morning at 9 am Bob will be presenting an atlatl dart making workshop. Bob will show you the various skills necessary to build and maintain atlatl darts. This will also be hands on for participants who would like to try their hand at making an atlatl dart. Both traditional and modern (kit) dart making will be demonstrated and taught. We always appreciate people who purchase our dart kits although a small donation to cover other material costs and honorariums are gladly accepted.
In the interest of safety people younger than 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Those from 12 to 18 must have parental permission to make atlatls and also to use sharp tools. Participants understand that use of sharp tools can be dangerous and must assume all risk unto themselves and hold Bob Berg, Thunderbird Atlatl and associates harmless.