Primitive Pursuits Camp in Ithaca, NY

by | Jun 21, 2014 | News

Thunderbird Atlatl’s Bob Berg spent a day with the Primitive Pursuits camp in Ithaca, NY this past week. The pictures tell the story. It was a great day of learning, sharing and having a great time with atlatls and other primitive pasttimes.

Primitive Pursuits campers enjoyed a day of using atlatls, making atlatls and darts and learning how to make stone tools with hafting resin.

Primitive Pursuits campers enjoyed a day of using atlatls, making atlatls and darts and learning how to make stone tools with hafting resin.

Fletching a Dart

Fluegel Eared Water Marmot

glue pots

Making stone tools with hafting resin

Primitive Pursuits Camp 2014

Straightening Darts

Making Atlatls & Darts

Using glue or hafting resin


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