It was a busy summer for Thunderbird Atlatl as we ventured out to a few of our favorite venues and got to spend time with atlatl friends.
We continue working on shop renovations. Plans are to finish our shipping area in the next month and get ready for the holiday rush.
If you are thinking of ordering a present for the holidays, we strongly urge you to order in November as we do not know how reliable the shipping services will be in December. In 2020, the shipping services were sometimes taking up to three weeks to deliver items they promised to deliver in three to four days. Shipping improved in 2021 and seems to be better in 2022. However, all the shipping services (faced with the same increasing prices we all face) have increased prices in 2022 as they try to cover their increased costs.
We are unable to accommodate any custom or special orders during this busy season. If you have questions, please call us at: 1-800-836-4520 or email at